Our Services


The healing work we offer at Somatic LA is actually a combination of two integrated modalities: Somatic Releasing and Points Holding Process/PNE. 

Somatic Releasing refers to the work of Dr. Peter Levine, who developed Somatic Experiencing as a form of therapy intended to release held trauma from the body and in doing so, relieve the symptoms of PTSD. 

PNE (or Psychoneuroenergetics) is a method developed by Judith Johnson and derived from the Body Electronics work of Dr. John Whitman Ray. 

We have included a detailed description of both Somatic and PNE in the sections below. 

It should also be mentioned that the work we offer is supported and informed by the Polyvagal Theory of Dr. Stephen Porges, and the Vagal Nerve regulation techniques introduced by Dr. Stanley Rosenberg.

What is Somatic?

Somatic Healing is a body-oriented approach to the release of trauma and other stress disorders that may affect us physically or emotionally. When trauma is held in the body, there is often a level of disassociation and resistance that we experience, either knowingly or unknowingly. This disassociation and resistance can result in physical pain, emotional disconnection, or the tendency to create unhealthy patterns in our lives. Somatic release techniques guide the client toward heightened awareness of the body's physical sensations and how they may relate to corresponding emotions, memories or belief systems and in doing so, can facilitate the release of this stuck energy from the body. 

What is PNE?

PsychoNeuroEnergetics (PNE) was developed by Judith Johnson as a powerful and effective way to clear traumatic paralysis and limiting perceptions of reality from the deepest levels of our being, freeing us to live in the full expression of our highest nature. Thoughts, beliefs and feelings perpetuated by survival instincts and protective mechanisms in crisis situations may not always be in alignment with our truth. The body has a way of knowing the pathways for the unwinding of blocked energies and anything that is out of alignment with the truth of our being – we just need to know how to listen and follow its lead.

Each PNE session draws on this deep language and innate wisdom of the body to resolve survival patterning and create true alignment at every level.

From a scientific approach, a PNE session activates the limbic system circuit through sustained pressure on specific acupressure points. Pressure at these points influences the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and activates not only the brain, but the whole nervous system, including the vagus nerve site at the solar plexus. As a result, one is able to access energetic centers of the body where traumatic patterns have been stored and move into a flow of transformation and healing.

To effectively clear restrictive beliefs and holding patterns from the body and mind, and to cleanse and regenerate the body in support of our fullest expression, Judith has created the vehicle of Regenerative Living to support the transformational work of PNE. The Regenerative Living program incorporates PNE within a context of cleansing the body and regenerating the total being.

(Credit: All rights (c) Judith Johnson / www.psychoneuroenergetics.net. Used with permission.)

About Trauma

Trauma may begin as acute stress from a perceived threat or as the end product of cumulative stress. Both types of stress can seriously impair a person’s ability to function properly in his/her life. 

Trauma may result from a wide variety of stressors such as accidents, medical procedures, sexual or physical assault, emotional abuse, neglect, war, natural disasters, loss, birth trauma, or the persistent stressors of ongoing fear and conflict. It can also simply be the cumulative trauma of challenging life experiences, such as losing a loved one, divorce, or any number of other experiences.

We approach trauma for what it really is: stuck or unprocessed energy that the body is holding onto. Through our methods and guided techniques, we work to allow this stuck energy to release from the body.

Energetic House Clearing

Just as we work somatically to help the body release old traumas and energies that disrupt our natural way of being, we now offer similar services for homes and physical spaces. 

Energetic Clearing is a way to cleanse a physical space from unwanted, stagnant, or heavy energies, helping to reset the energy, cleanse the physical environment, and raise the vibration of one’s home, business or workspace.

By clearing stagnant, low-level energies from our homes, we may find improved mental and physical states, increased lightness and clarity. And by raising the vibration of the space, we attract more positive light energies of peace, prosperity and well-being. 

For Space Clearing, Jon draws on his many years working in shamanic healing, using various methods including sound healing, fragrances, incantations and energy work to extract and clear energies that may not be in harmony with the physical space. 

This service can be useful for those who are looking to sell a home or for those who are moving into a new home (or business), for those who have gone through a major change that has physically or energetically affected their space (i.e. fire, flood, divorce, separation), as well as a number of other scenarios.

You can always contact us with questions about this particular service.